"M4M" is a common abbreviation for "man for man." This may be good news for the Two Men for Marriage site (www.2m4m.org) which may inadvertently benefit from the coincidence. There are so many spoof opportunities in NOM’s ad that I would be very surprised if SNL didn’t take a stab at it this weekend. As a “Gathering Storm” blows its hot air across the nation, I believe its dissipation will yield a beautiful rainbow (pun INTENDED).
It's surprising how quickly things can get started. Just this morning I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend and then the news hit about the 2M4M campaign that opponents of marriage rights were mounting. As many were scratching their heads at the choice of name, it occured to me that the obvious Internet presence, 2M4M.org was sitting unused.
Well, it is unused no longer. Welcome to 2M4M.org, or Two Men For Marriage. This site will present the facts about marriage equality as a counter to the fear, uncertainty and doubt being sown by the opponents of equal rights.
And the quiet weekend will be spent standing the site up as quickly as possible. Your help is solicited and appreciated. Feel free to contact us at info@2m4m.org with anything you can offer. Writing, graphics, or research, anything helps!
I'm glad to see that you have this bog. You beat me to it actually. After following the story and seeing that the ,org name had been taken, I decided to see if this one was still open at blogspot. I'm glad to see that you have it and not the haters at NOM. Good work!